Zero-Oil Besan Chilla Recipe for Health-Conscious

Besan chilla, also known as gram flour pancakes, is a versatile and protein-packed dish that can be made without a drop of oil. For health-conscious individuals seeking a nutritious and delicious meal option, look no further than our zero-oil besan chilla recipe.

By eliminating oil from the equation, you can enjoy all the flavors and benefits of besan chillas while keeping your calorie and fat intake in check.

Zero-Oil Besan Chilla Recipe for Health-Conscious

Zero-Oil Besan Chilla Recipe for Health-Conscious


Here are the simple ingredients you’ll need to make a zero-oil besan chilla recipe:

  1. 1 cup of gram flour (besan)
  2. 1/2 cup of finely chopped onions
  3. 1/2 cup of grated carrots
  4. chopped coriander leaves
  5. 1-2 green chilies,
  6. 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  7. 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  8. 1/4 teaspoon of red chili powder
  9. Salt to taste
  10. Water, as needed

With these wholesome ingredients, you’ll create a delightful zero-oil besan chilla that’s both nutritious and waistline-friendly.


Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of making these oil-free besan chillas:

Step 1: Prepare the Besan Batter :

  • In a mixing bowl, place 1 cup of gram flour (besan).Zero-Oil Besan Chilla Recipe for Health-Conscious
  • Add water to make a smooth batter,
  • Start with 1/2 cup of water and adjust as needed.
  • Incorporate 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1/4 teaspoon of red chili powder, and salt to taste.
  • Mix well and let the batter rest for 15–20 minutes.

Step 2: Add Veggies and Spices 

  • To the rested besan batter,
  • Add 1/2 cup of finely chopped onions, 1/2 cup of grated carrots, coriander leaves, 1-2 finely chopped green chilies,
  • and 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds.
  • Gently mix until all ingredients are evenly distributed within the batter.
  • The vegetables will provide flavor, texture, and essential nutrients to your chillas.

Step 3: Cook Oil-Free Besan Chillas:

  • Heat a non-stick skillet or a flat frying pan on medium-high heat. Since we’re going oil-free, a good non-stick pan is crucial.
  • After the pan is hot, slow the gas flame.
  • Pour a ladleful of the besan batter onto the center of the pan.
  • With the help of the back of the ladle, smoothly spread the batter in a circular motion to create a besan chilla.
  • Cook the chilla on medium-low heat until the edges start to lift and turn golden brown, and the top surface begins to dry out.
  • Carefully flip the chilla using a spatula andZero-Oil Besan Chilla Recipe for Health-Conscious
  • Repeat this process for the remaining batter, adding a touch of water if needed to maintain the right consistency.

For Weight loss:

1. High Protein Content:

Besan is a good source of plant-based protein. Protein is essential for weight loss because it helps increase feelings of fullness and reduces overall calorie intake. When you consume sufficient protein, you’re less likely to overeat, which can support weight loss efforts.

2. Satiety:

The combination of protein and dietary fiber in besan chillas can create a sense of fullness and satisfaction, helping you control your appetite. This can prevent excessive snacking and reduce overall calorie consumption.

3. Low Glycemic Index:

chillas have a low glycemic index, which means they cause a gradual and steady increase in blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic index help maintain stable energy levels, reducing the likelihood of sudden cravings for high-sugar or high-calorie foods.

4. Balanced Macronutrients:

Besan chillas provide a mix of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) along with essential vitamins and minerals. This balanced nutrient profile supports your nutritional needs while helping to control calorie intake.

5. Portion Control:

Besan chillas are typically served in reasonable portion sizes. This can naturally promote portion control, which is crucial for managing calorie intake and weight.

6. Customization:

Besan chillas can be customized with various fillings and spices to suit your preferences. You can add nutrient-rich ingredients like vegetables and herbs to increase the overall nutritional value without significantly increasing the calorie content.

7. Reduced Snacking:

The satiety provided by besan chillas can reduce the urge to snack on high-calorie, low-nutrient foods between meals, which is often a common challenge for individuals trying to lose weight.

8. Cooking Method:

When preparing besan chillas for weight loss, consider using minimal oil or cooking spray in a non-stick skillet. Reducing the amount of added fats can help control calorie intake.

9. Low in Unhealthy Fats:

Besan chillas are naturally low in unhealthy saturated and trans fats, making them a healthier option compared to some other high-calorie and high-fat foods.

10. Calorie Control:

Besan chillas can be a part of a calorie-controlled diet, helping you stay within your daily calorie limits while enjoying a tasty and satisfying meal.


With our zero-oil besan chilla recipe, you can indulge in this traditional Indian dish without worrying about excess calories from oil. By using wholesome ingredients and the right cooking techniques, you’ll enjoy a meal that’s not only delicious but also heart-healthy and waistline-friendly. This recipe is perfect for those looking to reduce their fat intake while savoring the flavors of besan chillas. Give it a try, and discover how healthy cooking can be equally satisfying to your taste buds.

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Q1: What are besan chillas, and why are they considered a healthy option?

Besan chillas, or gram flour pancakes, are a nutritious Indian dish made from gram flour (besan) and various ingredients like vegetables and spices. They’re considered healthy because they offer a good balance of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, in this “Zero-Oil Besan Chilla Recipe for Health-Conscious” version, they’re prepared without any added oil, making them a lower-calorie and heart-healthy option.

Q2: Is it difficult to make besan chilla without oil?

Not at all! Making besan chilla without oil is simple and can be done with a good quality non-stick skillet or pan. The absence of oil doesn’t compromise the flavor or texture; in fact, it makes them a healthier choice. Our recipe guide provides step-by-step instructions to ensure your success.

Q3: What makes this zero-oil besan chilla suitable for weight-conscious individuals?

This zero-oil besan chilla recipe is suitable for weight-conscious individuals because it’s lower in calories and saturated fats compared to traditional recipes that use cooking oil or ghee. The combination of protein and fiber helps control appetite, making it easier to manage portion sizes and overall calorie intake.

Q4: Can I customize the recipe with my favorite vegetables and spices?

Absolutely! Customizing the besan chilla recipe with your preferred vegetables and spices is encouraged. Adding ingredients like spinach, bell peppers, or tomatoes not only enhances flavor but also boosts the nutritional value.

Q5: Are besan chillas suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

Yes, besan chillas are a versatile dish that can accommodate various dietary restrictions. This zero-oil version is suitable for those watching their fat intake. Besan itself is naturally gluten-free, making it appropriate for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Always check ingredient labels to ensure compliance with specific dietary needs.

Q6: Can I prepare these chillas in advance for quick meals?

Absolutely! Besan chillas are a great option for meal prepping. You can prepare a batch in advance, store them in an airtight container, and refrigerate them for a few days. Reheat them in a skillet or microwave for quick and convenient meals.

Q7: How can I make sure the chillas turn out crispy without oil?

To achieve crispy chillas without oil, make sure to cook them on medium-low heat and use a good non-stick pan. This allows them to cook evenly and develop a nice texture. You can also cook them slightly longer if you prefer a crisper finish.

Q8: Are besan chillas a suitable option for a weight loss diet?

Yes, besan chillas can be a valuable addition to a weight loss diet. The combination of protein, fiber, and the absence of added oil can help with portion control and calorie management. Just be mindful of the fillings and accompaniments you choose to keep the overall calorie content in check.

Q9: Can I enjoy besan chillas as part of a balanced diet?

Absolutely! Besan chillas can be a nutritious component of a balanced diet. They offer protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Pair them with a variety of vegetables and enjoy them with a side of yogurt or chutney to create a well-rounded meal.

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